Free pistol

Chapter of the ISSF pistol rules says to the discipline free pistol:
"b) Hand covers for 50m Pistols are permitted, providing they do not cover the wrist."
Otherwise, rule no. 8.7.1 "Firing Position" applies to Free Pistol:
"The athlete must stand free without any artificial or other support, with both feet and/or shoes completely within the firing point. The pistol must be held and fired with one (1) hand only. The wrist must be visibly free of support."
"b) Hand covers for 50m Pistols are permitted, providing they do not cover the wrist."
Otherwise, rule no. 8.7.1 "Firing Position" applies to Free Pistol:
"The athlete must stand free without any artificial or other support, with both feet and/or shoes completely within the firing point. The pistol must be held and fired with one (1) hand only. The wrist must be visibly free of support."